Sunday, July 26, 2009

Which Way to School?

I've been thinking lately on why I have chosen to homeschool my children. What is at the core of this decision?

So far my main reason is as thus. (Forgive me if this is disjointed; I'm still processing things.)

As I have pondered this question, "Why?" I am considering what abilities and skills I want my children to have when they are grown and even while they are growing.

The biggest thing I want my children to be able to do is take responsibility for themselves and their decisions. In other words, I want them to be able to think critically and wisely about whatever faces them, then have the ability to make a decision about it that they can justify and life with and defend. And to not fall down in despair if it turns out to be a wrong decision.

It took me years of being out in "the real world" and the workforce and even after I quit my job to realize just how much I depended on someone else to tell me what to do. And I think in large part that is due to the current public school system where everything is structured and children go here, do this, then do that, etc. They don't have much input or say or responsibility. After 12 or so years, that gets to be a habit.

So I don't want that for my kids. I want them to have the freedom to take responsibility and be self-directed. To have the discipline and the self-confidence to do that. To be able to be spontaneous in learning.

There are other issues as well, but I would have to say this is the main issue for me. I'm still processing things, like I said, but this is at the core.

After all, I thought to myself, what is the purpose of education? To gain knowledge? Or to prepare for life?

I think the latter is the foundation for the former.

Till next time,

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