Sunday, May 3, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Remember the old nursery rhyme? "Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?" Contrariness aside, I am thrilled to report that my seeds in my "vegetable container garden" are up!

So far I have radishes, leaf lettuce, and onions sprouting above ground in rectangular flat containers out on the balcony. Those couple of unseasonably warm days we had gave them a great start!

And my tomato and pepper plant seedlings continue to grow in their little peat "pots" in the bathroom window. It looks like I have more tomato than pepper plants (at least that I can tell), as a result of JD pulling out all my seedlings earlier.

Just a few months' time I'll be rolling in tomatoes! Mmm. Am looking forward to it! Homemade ketchup, salsa, spaghetti sauce.... Yum.

Was it as easy as 1-2-3? Nope! I started rather late, as I am learning the organic method of preparing soil. Apparently one is to start that the autumn before! And I don't have any worms in containers either, to aerate the soil. Or compost. Or all the other host of things one should do to ensure the best nutrients in the veggies.

BUT, I started!

So how does my garden grow? Very well. It's blessed! Deuteronomy 28 says that everything I put my hand to prospers. So my vegetables are prosperous vegetables, regardless.

Till next time (hopefully sooner than one month, my apologies!),

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