Saturday, July 26, 2008

The First Priority: Regularity!

Our children are always a hot topic for moms.

There are a couple of us moms at my church who talk together about our children, what we're doing that works, what new food or health issue that affects us, or just how much sleep we did or didn't get as a result!

Up to this point I don't think I have formally constructed my advice regarding autism or other behavioral issues, but now I'm going to write some things down.

Please keep in mind that this is not medical advice and in no way should be construed as such. This is simply my opinion based on my own experience and reading.

My top 3 areas to address are:

1. What are the child's bowel movements like? I know for my son, constipation or holding back affects him. We have learned to watch frequency, and if he goes more than three days without a significant bowel movement and he no longer sleeps through the night, we give him something that makes him go! When that stuff just sits inside the intestines, it backs up and can become toxic, affecting mood and behavior and sleep. Usually not for the better!

2. What proper nutrition is the child missing? Again, if we run out of something that my son gets on a regular basis (for instance, cod liver oil), it shows up in his behavior.

3. Are there any toxins or allergens affecting the child's system? I know that gently detoxing my son's body through clay footbaths made a difference in his behavior and comprehension. We also did an elimination diet and have ended up following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for him. Cutting out grains and sugar in my son's diet made a huge difference!

There is a verse in the Bible that says people perish for lack of knowledge. So perhaps my biggest piece of advice would be, start researching. Start reading. Study the issues. Sift through what you find out. Don't stop.

Till next time,

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