Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Life in a Month

Okay. I'm still here!

Have you ever experienced the moment when you have something to say, or in this case write, but don't have the time? Then time slips away from you and, lo and behold, a month has passed.

Well, that's what happened here.

What have I been doing in a month? Let's see. I am learning more about homeschooling. I have joined with a few other friends to begin a new organization to help women learn about homemaking skills. And we finally got another vehicle! Yea! Having two vehicles instead of just one is so much more convenient.

Our church hosted a conference, I started officially working again as a freelance editor and proofreader, and I lost a total of 18 pounds since May!

And now it's almost Christmas!

Wow. I think time flies faster around the holidays because there's so much anticipation.

Hopefully I'll get a few more posts in before the year turns into 2009.

Till next time,

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